With aspirations for always striving for change, I was always intrigued in companies performance and how they can achieve their business goals.

With that in mind, I had the idea of a Media Company, one that favours help to its clients, and gives maximum results while being best optimised.

I currently work full-time as an Electrical Engineer, improving and making buildings more optimised to run. I have always had a great interest in helping clients and customers learn and see things a different way, while helping them with their desired service.

I am branching out in a different avenue to help businesses achieve the recognition that they deserve, while also optimising their spend. I am keen to offer my services in most industries, with an honest and direct approach. I am always open to a conversation, and see if we can fit your needs.

Yours sincerly - Zakaria K (Founder of Krton)

Interested in starting a project? Feel free to contact me for more information!